
Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering

At first glance, the new Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering building appears low-key. But when entering the building, you lite­rally step into the very heart of Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering: the burning red/orange hall. Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering has chosen an interior that under­lines the company’s visual identity. They have chosen to let the red/orange colour of their logo dominate the interior decoration. A new corporate visual identity on both digital and press commu­ni­cation inspired Duba-B8’s interior architect Anne-Mette Warberg when asked to give a proposal on the interior planning of the new domicile. The coope­ration between Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering and Duba-B8 resulted in a fusion between Jorgensen Engineering’s visual identity and the physical room.

When Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering first contacted Duba-B8, they had vision of greater openness and fewer walls between employees. Both formal and informal meeting places now have greater importance and thus are arranged physi­cally to underline their functions. The employees’ base offices have been designed to improve the possi­bi­lities for dialogue among colle­agues.

”A really inspiring process where both we and Duba-B8’s interior architect, Anne-Mette Warberg, mutually have contri­buted to the outcome”, says Jorgensen Engi­ne­ering A/S Marketing Manager Jesper Johansen about the coope­ration with Duba-B8 about the interior planning process.