Standing Desk Can Boosts Productivity, Not Just Health.

HÅG Capisco Puls 8010, HÅG Capisco Puls 8020

Are standing desks as beneficial as they are trendy?

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According to a new study by Texas A&M University’s Health Science Center School of Public Health, they are — but not just for workers’ health. The popular desks also improved their productivity – significantly. Employees that use stand-capable desks were more productive than their colleagues in standard, seated desks. And the productivity of the standing-desk workers continued to increase over their seated colleagues steadily over time.

Employees that tend to spend their 20% in the office by standing while working is believed to be more productive, here’s why :

  • Employees that work while sit tend to only do phone calls to their existing clients for follow up or to ask for good prospects, meanwhile those who prefer to work while standing is believed to make more phone calls to new clients.
  • Standing increases caloric expenditure by about 30% over sitting. Taking regular breaks from sitting (altering posture, standing up, stretching, etc.) has been shown to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort, reduce fatigue and stiffness, and increase blood flow.



Standing for prolonged periods of time has its own problems, including increased joint pain, swelling, restricted blood flow, stiffness, and fatigue.


In other words, we have to find the right balance of both sitting and standing, and we’re still not talking about increasing productivity at all.

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When employees feel their employer cares about their well-being, they’re 38% more engaged at work. Providing flexible work stations—whether they are individual desks, group pods, collaborative tables, yoga balls, treadmills, bikes, or sit-stand desks—is one clear way organizations can demonstrate that they support their employee’s well-being.

One of our top recommended Adjustable Working Desk from HALLNING is DubaB8 Adjustable Desk

– the best ergonomic desk that match with almost all ergonomic office chair as this desk is easliy adjustable. 

DubaB8 Adjustable Desk

Meet the one and only Adjustable Desk from DubaB8 that has been in the industry for more than 100 years of Danish manworkship. Besides being a highly sustainable product, the company’s height-adjustable tables help enhance productivity and can go so far as to reduce sick leave as it encourages you to work while standing, causing your body to keep on being active.

Image result for dubab8 adjustable desk

The tabletops are made from FSC certified bamboo and the desks are highly flexible and customisable to meet the needs of the user. One of its most unique features too is a patented ‘click’ system underneath the table that makes for easy assembly; the system also makes it possible to replace the tabletops easily, where necessary or desired, without having to change the entire table.

Image result for dubab8 adjustable desk

Image result for dubab8 adjustable desk Related image

Now you can meet and try this adjustable desk by DubaB8 just within miles from your house especially for Jakarta region, visit our showroom in:

HALLNING (used to be known as Ergoworld) Pacific Place Mall 

3rd Floor No.18 | Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)
Jl.Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot 3 & 5, Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia
M: +62 81314234561 T: +62 21 57973256 | F: +62 21 57973258hallning-logo


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